How pktgen works?

How pktgen works?

Pktgen allows you to view a set of ports if they do not all fit on the screen at one time via the ‘page’ command. Type ‘help’ at the ‘Pktgen>’ prompt to see the complete Pktgen command line commands. Pktgen uses VT100 control codes or escape codes to display the screens, which means your terminal must support VT100.

How do you make a DPDK Pktgen?

The above command will build the basic DPDK libraries and build tree. Next we build pktgen: # cd <PktgenInstallDir> # make -j For CentOS and pcap support you may need to try: For libpcap-devel # yum install dnf-plugins-core # yum config-manager –set-enabled PowerTools # yum repolist You should now have pktgen built.

How do I start Pktgen?

  1. Getting Started with Pktgen. System requirements. Setting up hugeTLB/hugepage support. BIOS settings. Terminal display. Get the source code. Build DPDK and Pktgen. Setting up your environment. Running the application.
  2. CLI library guide.

What is Pktgen in Linux?

pktgen is a high-performance testing tool in- cluded in the Linux kernel. pktgen is currently the best tool to test the TX process of device driver and NIC. Because pktgen is “in-kernel,” it can generate high bandwith and very high packet rates to load routers, bridges, or other network devices.

How do I run Testpmd?

Run testpmd in interactive mode. In this mode, the testpmd starts with a prompt that can be used to start and stop forwarding, configure the application and display stats on the current packet processing session. See Testpmd Runtime Functions for more details.

What is MoonGen?

MoonGen is a fully scriptable high-speed packet generator built on DPDK and LuaJIT. It can saturate a 10 Gbit/s connection with 64 byte packets on a single CPU core while executing user-provided Lua scripts for each packet. Multi-core support allows for even higher rates.

What is the use of DPDK?

DPDK provides a programming framework for x86, ARM, and PowerPC processors and enables faster development of high speed data packet networking applications. It scales from mobile processors, such as Intel Atom, to server-grade processors, such as Intel Xeon.

Can Wireshark generate traffic?

These tools will either generate traffic and transmit it, retransmit traffic from a capture file, perhaps with changes, or permit you to edit traffic in a capture file and retransmit it.

What is PMD in DPDK?

NVIDIA Poll Mode Driver (PMD) is an open-source upstream driver embedded within releases that’s designed for fast packet processing and low latency. It achieves this by providing a kernel bypass for send and receive queues and by avoiding the performance overhead of interrupt processing.

What is TestPMD?

TestPMD is one of the reference applications distributed with the DPDK package. Its main purpose is to forward packets between Ethernet ports on a network interface. In addition, it allows the user to try out some of the features of the different drivers such as RSS, filters, and Intel® Ethernet Flow Director.

What is DPDK and how it works?

The Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) is an open source software project managed by the Linux Foundation. It provides a set of data plane libraries and network interface controller polling-mode drivers for offloading TCP packet processing from the operating system kernel to processes running in user space.

What is DPDK and SR-IOV?

The DPDK uses the SR-IOV feature for hardware-based I/O sharing in IOV mode. Therefore, it is possible to partition SR-IOV capability on Ethernet controller NIC resources logically and expose them to a virtual machine as a separate PCI function called a “Virtual Function”.

What are the technical requirements for using pktgen?

Pktgen uses VT100 control codes display its output screens, which means your terminal must support VT100. It is also best to set your terminal background to black when working with the default pktgen color scheme. Pktgen requires the DPDK source code to build. The main dpdk and pktgen git repositories are hosted on

How to assign lcores to ports in pktgen?

The -c option of ff2 and FF004 lcores, the ff value are used for port handling and the 2/4 is used because pktgen needs the first lcore for display and timers. The -m option then assigns lcores to the ports. The information from above is taken from two new files and, have a look at them and adjust as you need.

How do I build a custom pktgen?

Pktgen can then be built as follows: In the PktgenInstallDir /tools level directory there is script, which should be run once per boot with the -s option to setup the ports. The same configuration file is also used to run pktgen by removing the -s option.

How does pktgen work with multiple CPU’s?

Once running, pktgen creates a thread for each CPU with affinity to that CPU. Monitoring and controlling is done via /proc. It is easiest to select a suitable sample script and configure that.