Who was the secretary of the Treasury under Obama?

Who was the secretary of the Treasury under Obama?

Timothy F. Geithner
President Barack Obama, Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner and Elizabeth Warren Walk Along the Colonnade | The White House.

Who has been secretary of the Treasury?


  • The Treasury Building.
  • Alexander Hamilton (1789-1795) Oliver Wolcott, Jr. ( 1795 – 1800) Samuel Dexter (1801) Albert Gallatin (1801 – 1814) George W. Campbell (1814) Alexander J. Dallas (1814 – 1816) William H. Crawford (1816 – 1825) Richard Rush (1825 – 1829) Samuel D. Ingham (1829 – 1831)

How many secretary of the Treasury have there been?

77 Secretaries
There have been 77 Secretaries of the Treasury in our nation’s history and, over the course of their service; the location of the Office of the Secretary has fluctuated.

Who was the Secretary of Treasury under George Bush?

Henry Paulson
Henry Paulson, the 74th Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, served under President George W. Bush between July 2006 and January 2009.

Has there ever been a female treasury secretary?

In 2021, President Joe Biden named five women as secretaries to his initial Cabinet—former chair of the Federal Reserve Janet Yellen as secretary of the treasury, New Mexico Representative Deb Haaland as secretary of the interior, governor of Rhode Island Gina Raimondo as secretary of commerce, Ohio Rep.

Who was America first Treasury secretary?

Alexander Hamilton
At the inauguration of the constitutional government in 1789 Alexander Hamilton (1757- 1804), George Washington’s former military aide and a renowned financier, was appointed the first Secretary of the Treasury and thus he became the architect of the structure of the Department.

Who is the new Chief Secretary to the Treasury?

The Rt Hon Simon Clarke MP Simon Clarke was appointed Chief Secretary to the Treasury on 15 September 2021. Simon Clarke was previously appointed Minister of State at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government on 13 February 2020.

Are the Secretary of the Treasury and the US Treasurer are the same?

The department is administered by the secretary of the treasury, who is a member of the Cabinet. The treasurer of the United States has limited statutory duties, but advises the Secretary on various matters such as coinage and currency production. Signatures of both officials appear on all Federal Reserve notes.

Who is the first Secretary of Treasury?

What is the role of the Secretary of Treasury?

The Secretary of the Treasury is responsible for formulating and recommending domestic and international financial, economic, and tax policy, participating in the formulation of broad fiscal policies that have general significance for the economy, and managing the public debt.

Where is Timothy Geithner today?

Former Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner Is Now a Private-Equity Firm Executive – WSJ.

Who was the Acting Secretary of the Treasury in 2002?

4 Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Kenneth W. Dam served as acting secretary of the treasury from December 31, 2002, to February 3, 2003. 5 Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Robert M. Kimmitt served as acting secretary of the treasury from June 30, 2006, to July 9, 2006.

How many former Secretaries of the Treasury are still alive?

As of August 2021, there are ten living former secretaries of the treasury (with all secretaries that have served since 2003 still living), the oldest being W. Michael Blumenthal (served 1977–1979, born 1926). The most recent secretary of the treasury to die was George Shultz (served 1972–1974, born 1920) on February 6, 2021.

What are the different positions in the Department of Treasury?

Positions listed on the Department of the Treasury website include the under secretary for domestic finance, the under secretary for international affairs, and the under secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence .

Who is the Treasury Secretary on cryptocurrency?

White House Press Briefing by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Regulatory Issues Associated with Cryptocurrency.