What is the meaning of the idiom take a bow?

What is the meaning of the idiom take a bow?

Definition of take a bow : to bow towards an audience that is applauding When the play has finished, the actors will line up to take a bow. —often used figuratively to say that someone deserves to be praised The people who organized the festival should take a bow for its remarkable success.

How do you use take a bow in a sentence?

Take-a-bow sentence example

  1. How shall we acknowledge applause, that is, take a bow?
  2. When Weissmuller left the poolside, the crowd of 7,000 stood and chanted for him to reappear to take a bow .
  3. With this mix on hand, you will always be ready to take a bow as Chef du Jour and reigning royal member of the kitchen!

How do you respond when someone says take a bow?

But when someone says to another person “take a bow” it usually means “people are applauding you. Respond to them”. Bowing is the polite response to applause in the US.

What does it mean to bow down under pressure?

: to show weakness by agreeing to the demands or following the orders of (someone or something) I will bow down to no one. The government is refusing to bow down to pressure to lift the sanctions.

What is the meaning of I bow to you?

verb. When you bow to someone, you briefly bend your body towards them as a formal way of greeting them or showing respect.

What is the difference between bow and bow?

Bow and bow are two words that are spelled identically but are pronounced differently and have different meanings, which makes them heteronyms. English words are also spelled according to their etymologies rather than their sound.

What means Hats off?

Definition of hats off to informal. —used to give praise or credit to someone Hats off to Susan for doing such a great job.

What is bow slang for?

Hi Arnita=) Bow is an accessory and it is usually used with reference to ‘tying a bow’. We can also say ‘to bow down to something/someone’,that’s when you respect someone you bow down to them. But slang meaning of a bow is ‘female genitalia’.

Why do bras have a bow in the middle?

Why is the bow there? They explained: “In olden days when women wore corsets, there was a piece of whalebone called a busk. “It was inserted in a sheath down the front of the corset and tied in place with a bow. The busk is gone but the bow remains.”

What does it mean when a guy bows to you?

(baʊ ) Word forms: bows, bowing, bowed. intransitive verb. When you bow to someone, you briefly bend your body toward them as a formal way of greeting them or showing respect.

What does it mean to bow at someone’s feet?

1. Lit. to bow down humbly at someone’s feet; to prostrate oneself before someone. In his guilt and horror, he threw himself at the feet of his master and begged forgiveness. 2.

Is it bow to or bow for?

bow to pressure: They finally bowed to political pressure and signed the agreement. bow to the inevitable: He finally bowed to the inevitable and resigned….bow to ​Definitions and Synonyms.

present tense
I/you/we/they bow to
he/she/it bows to
present participle bowing to
past tense bowed to

What is the meaning of the phrase take a bow?

Definition of ‘take a bow’. take a bow. phrase [VERB and NOUN inflect] If an actor or entertainer takes a bow, he or she shows appreciation of an audience’s applause by bowing to them.

Is it rude to ask someone to take a bow?

No — it is the people deserving respect, not those giving it, who take a bow (or, more usually, are ‘bidden’ to “take a bow”). I’ve put scare-quotes round ‘bidden’, because when you bid someone to take a bow, you don’t really mean them to do it. “Take a bow” essentially means “Very well done.”. Right.

What does take a bite out of something mean?

To reduce something by eliminating, completing, or removing part of it. The police are encouraging citizens to take a bite out of crime by reporting suspicious activity. I’m hoping to take a bite out of this project by Friday night so I don’t have so much to do over the weekend.

What does it mean when an entertainer takes a bow?

If an actor or entertainer takes a bow, he or she shows appreciation of an audience’s applause by bowing to them. They ran to the center of the tent to take their bows. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary.