What is the difference between content and relationship communication?

What is the difference between content and relationship communication?

Communication can be divided into two broad categories: content and relational. Content is the what of any message. It is the facts and figures, the ideas and opinions that we transmit through e-mails, conversations, memos, or notes on the bulletin board. Relational communication pertains to the who of any interaction.

What is a relational message?

Relational level messages represent meaning about a relationship between two people, but are separate from the verbal words of the message (Burgoon, 1994). These relational level messages are conveyed through nonverbal communication.

What is content and relational?

Communication has a content and a relational dimension. The content dimension involves the information being explicitly discussed, while the relational dimension expresses how you feel about the other person. Communication can be intentional or unintentional, as all behavior has communicative value.

What does content of messages mean?

A primarily informational message, typically intended to be explicit, literal, and unambiguous and reflecting an instrumental communication style. See also informational communication; instrumental communication; compare relational message. From: content message in A Dictionary of Media and Communication »

How do content messages differ from relational messages quizlet?

Content: Conveys information at a literal level. Relational: Provides a context for interpreting the message of a relationship.

What is message content communication?

In rhetorical and communication studies, a message is defined as information conveyed by words (in speech or writing), and/or other signs and symbols. A message (verbal or nonverbal, or both) is the content of the communication process. The sender conveys the message to a receiver.

What exactly is considered content?

Content is the information and experiences; directed at an end-user or audience in publishing, art, and communication. Content within media focuses on the attention and how receptive the audience is to the content.

What are the four types of relational messages?


  • The four dimensions of relational messages:
  • Affinity: the degree to which we like or appreciate others.
  • Respect: The degree to which we hold others in esteem.
  • Immediacy: The degree of interest and attraction we feel toward and communicate to others; usually expressed nonverbally.

What does relational communication mean?

Relational communication encompasses communication processes in personal relationships such as romantic relationships, family relationships, and friendships.

What is the content of the message in communication?

The message or content is the information that the sender wants to relay to the receiver. Additional subtext can be conveyed through body language and tone of voice. Put all three elements together — sender, receiver, and message — and you have the communication process at its most basic.

What is the difference between content and relational in communication?

CONTENT and RELATIONAL. The content part of a message is the actual information being conveyed. Example: “I am hungry.”. The relational part of a message is what’s “behind” the message. It tells the listener how we feel–about them, us, or the message.

How are the content and the relationship dimensions of messages different?

Content focuses on the subject, while relational indicates feelings. Affinity, respect, immediacy, and control can affect relational messages by adding or subtracting dimensions. Click to see full answer. Keeping this in view, how are the content and the relationship dimensions of messages different from each other?

What is an example of the relational part of a message?

The relational part of a message is what’s “behind” the message. It tells the listener how we feel–about them, us, or the message. Example: “I am hungry.” (relational part–“I am hungry, and we are passing an Arctic Circle. I want you to pull over and get me something to eat!”)

What is a relationship message?

Every message you send and receive has a content message and a relationship message – 100 per cent of the time. Every time you communicate verbally or non-verbally you are sending a message about what you think about this person and your relationship as well as the content of the message.