What is the ABN for AMP Flexible Lifetime Super?

What is the ABN for AMP Flexible Lifetime Super?

AMP Super Summary

Superfund: AMP Super
Product: AMP Flexible Lifetime Super
ABN: 76514770399
Address PO Box 300
Suburb Parramatta

What is the USI for AMP Flexible Lifetime Super?

Search results – fund products

76 746 741 299 76746741299030 AMP Flexible Lifetime Protection (Super)
84 079 300 379 84079300379001 AMP MultiFund Flexible Income Plan – Allocated Annuity
84 079 300 379 84079300379002 AMP Capital Secure Deferred Annuity
84 079 300 379 84079300379003 AMP Investment Account Deferred Annuity

What is AMP Flexible Super?

AMP Flexible Super is one product which can help members look after their retirement needs, from their first job, through their working life and into retirement. AMP Flexible Super includes personal super, pension and transition to retirement pension.

Is AMP Flexible Lifetime Super An APRA fund?

Yes, AMP Flexible Lifetime Super is an APRA fund.

Is AMP a self managed super fund?

AMP SMSF solutions make it simple for you to manage your self-managed superannuation fund, so you can have full control over your investment strategies and retirement planning.

What is AMP USI number?

AMP Superannuation Savings Trust’s USI Number is 76514770399003.

What is AMP ABN number?


Fund name ABN
AMP Super Fund 78421957449
Wealth Personal Superannuation and Pension Fund 92381911598

Is AMP a superannuation fund?

Products in the AMP Super Fund and the Wealth Personal Superannuation and Pension Fund are issued by N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited (NM Super) ABN 31 008 428 322 (trustee), which is part of the AMP group (AMP).

What is AMP fund address?

The fund address for AMP Super is: Locked bag 5400, Parramatta , NSW 1741.

Is AMP an industry super fund?

With low fees, simple options and no commissions, AMP Flexible Super certainly sounds like an industry fund. Of course, it isn’t. AMP does not represent an industry and is an Australian Securities Exchange-listed company, however, the product does have some of the hallmarks of an industry fund.

What is the ABN for the AMP flexible Super product?

The ABN for the AMP Flexible Super product is 73310248809. The USI for AMP Flexible Super is AMP1248AU. For more information on what these details describe, please scroll down for a more detailed description.

Where can I find the fund details for AMP flexible lifetime Super?

We find fund details! The fund address for AMP Super is: PO Box 300, Parramatta , NSW 2124. The ABN for the AMP Flexible Lifetime Super product is 76514770399. The USI for AMP Flexible Lifetime Super is AMP0195AU. For more information on what these details describe, please scroll down for a more detailed description.

What is the address for AMP flexible Super?

AMP Flexible Super (AMP Super) Fund Address The fund address for AMP Super is: PO Box 300, Parramatta, NSW 2124. The ABN for the AMP Flexible Super product is 73310248809. The USI for AMP Flexible Super is AMP1248AU.

Who issues the products in the AMP funds?

Products in the AMP Eligible Rollover Fund, National Mutual Retirement Fund, and NM Pro Super Fund are issued by Equity Trustees Superannuation Limited ABN 50 055 641 757 (trustee). Risk products are issued by AMP Life Limited ABN 84 079 300 379 (AMP Life), which is part of the Resolution Life group.