What is exostosis of the toe?

What is exostosis of the toe?

Subungual exostosis is an outgrowth of bone from the tip of the toe or finger. This happens below the nail hence the term “subungual”. It is a benign tumour derived from the bone and cartilage. Dupuytren first described the condition in 1817.

How is subungual exostosis treated?

The treatment of subungual exostosis is surgical removal of the tumor. The success of surgical excision is >90%. A 53% recurrence rate is reported with insufficient mass excision. The most common complication after surgery is nail deformity caused by damage to the nail bed.

What is exostosis right foot?

An exostosis is an extra growth of bone that extends outward from an existing bone. Common types of exostoses include bone spurs, which are bony growths also known as osteophytes. An exostosis can occur on any bone, but is often found in the feet, hip region, or ear canal.

Can subungual exostosis turn cancerous?

Subungual exostosis is an uncommon bony tumor of the distal phalanx most often seen on the hallux. Although this lesion is completely benign, it must be distinguished from a number of other subungual tumors, both benign and malignant.

What is exostosis removal?

An exostectomy is the surgical removal of a bony prominence / outgrowth (exostosis). The aim of the surgery is to remove the bony prominence and reduce pain and deformity as a result.

How do you get rid of exostosis?

In the rare instance where treatment is recommended, the exostosis can be removed in a dental specialist’s office, usually by an oral surgeon. Under local anesthesia, the surgeon will make an incision and lift the soft tissue away to expose the overgrowth of bone.

How common is subungual exostosis?

Subungual exostosis is a relatively uncommon, osteocartilaginous tumor that affects the distal phalanx of the toes or fingers [2, 5, 12, 24] (Fig. 1).

What is removal of exostosis?

The removal of exostoses is the surgical removal of the bony lumps in the ear. An exostosis of the ear is a benign bony growth projecting outward from the bone surface of the External Auditory Canal. 2. My anaesthetic. This procedure will require an anaesthetic.

Is exostosis surgery painful?

The operation is not usually particularly painful. There may be some discomfort around the ear and in the jaw joint area on chewing, but this is usually controlled by simple painkillers. Patients will usually have Steri Strips (thin, sticky plasters) on the wound. These can be removed by yourself after a week.

How is exostosis treated?

Hereditary Multiple Exostosis Treatment The treatment for hereditary multiple exostosis is surgical removal of any growths that are causing pain or discomfort, or disrupting the child’s movement.

Is exostosis a tumor?

Osteochondroma is the most common type of non-cancerous (benign) bone tumor. An osteochondroma is a hard mass of cartilage and bone that generally appears near the growth plate (a layer of cartilage at the ends of a child’s long bones).

What causes exostosis of the foot?

Common causes include injury, chronic irritation of a bone, or a family history of exostosis. In some cases, the cause of exostosis is unknown. Exostosis that is related to family history is called hereditary multiple exostoses or diaphyseal aclasis.

What is the description of a toe and forefoot fracture?

Description. Toe and forefoot fractures often result from trauma or direct injury to the bone. Fractures can also develop after repetitive activity, rather than a single injury. This is called a “stress fracture.”. Fractures may either be “non-displaced,” where the bone is cracked but the ends of the bone are together,…

What are the possible complications of exostosis?

Although exostosis is benign, sometimes complications occur. For example, complications of surfer’s ear include hearing loss and increased risk of infection. This is because water can collect behind the bony protrusions. Surgical removal of the bony growth by canalplasty is usually successful.

What is sinus exostosis and what are the symptoms?

In this type of exostosis, there is an abnormal growth of the bone that forms the sinus cavity. Often you feel no symptoms. But sometimes, even a small growth can cause a lot of pain. The bone growth can block your sinus from draining properly, causing congestion.

What is the prognosis of toe fractures of the toe?

Toe fractures of this type are rare unless there is an open injury or a high-force crushing or shearing injury. Patients with open toe fractures or fractures with overlying skin necrosis are at high risk for osteomyelitis. If there is a break in the skin near the fracture site, the wound should be examined carefully.