What foods should a vata pitta avoid?

What foods should a vata pitta avoid?

They should avoid having dried fruits. Vegetables. Sweet or bitter vegetables such as cabbage, cucumber, potatoes, zucchini, cress, mushrooms, asparagus, lettuce, cauliflower, green beans, lettuce and peas. Grains.

What is the best Ayurvedic medicine for pitta vata?

Neem is bitter and is one of the best herbs to manage Pitta vitiation. Neem can be taken in the form of tablets or as a herb. Triphala capsules are made from three fruits and are helpful in pacifying Pitta Dosha. Ghee prepared from cow’s milk is an excellent home remedy to reduce Pitta and body heat.

How do you eat vata pitta?


  1. STAY AWAY FROM FOODS THAT INCREASE VATA: these are foods that are astringent, bitter or pungent.
  2. FRUITS: all sour fruits, apples, pears, pomegranates, dried fruit.
  3. VEGETABLES: lettuce, potatoes, tomatoes, raw onions.
  4. GRAINS: buckwheat, barley, millet, corn.

How do I fix vata pitta?

How to Reduce Vata:

  1. Avoid cold foods & drinks and go for warmth.
  2. Favour nourishing foods over light food.
  3. Smooth over rough always aids in combating the problem of vata imbalance.
  4. Moist over oily and dry food is the best way to keep your vata balanced & strong.

Is honey good for Vata dosha?

Ayurveda describes raw honey as the best medicine for Kapha as it helps scrape fat. Honey is also balancing for Vata and for Pitta that is under control, although it will overheat high Pitta. The energetics of honey are unique because it has both Soma (lunar energy) and Agni (fiery, solar energy).

Is Ashwagandha good for Vata?

Ashwagandha powder reduces the level of cortisol and helps to reduce stress and stress-related problems[3]. Stress can usually be attributed to an imbalance of Vata dosha, and often presents with irritability, insomnia, and fear. Taking Ashwagandha powder helps in balancing Vata and thus reduces the symptoms of stress.

Is banana good for Pitta?

FRUITS. Bananas, pears, plums, figs, pomegranates, cherries, mangos, melons, grapes. Fruit should be consumed at least one hour before or after meals, and not at all in the evening.

Is honey good for Vata Dosha?

Is Amla good for Vata?

Amla balances Vata because of Amala (sour) taste, balances Pitta because of its Madhura (sweet) and Sita (cold) nature. It also controls Kapha due to its Ruksha (dryness)-Kashya (astringent) properties. Amla helps improve digestion and relieve acidity.

Is ghee good for Vata?

Ghee is taken with food for all who desire nourishment. It is best for those of Vata and Pitta constitution and especially those affected with fatigue, loss of strength, anaemia, jaundice and eye diseases. Young children, elderly and kapha individuals may enjoy ghee occasionally in small quantities.

What should we eat according to Ayurveda?

Fruits. We all know that fruits are recommended for eating separately. Nuts. Ayurveda recommends baking nuts to make them dry for better digestion. Vegetables. All vegetables except carrots belong to lunch. Grains and beans. Spices.

What should pitta eat?

According to Jiva Ayurveda , optimal food choices for a pitta diet include all varieties of beans; coconut products; pumpkin and sunflower seeds; vegetables and raw salads; sweet, juicy fruits; fresh dairy products; grains such as wheat, barley, rice and oats; and oils made from coconut, soy or sunflower.

How to do the Ayurvedic diet?

10 Rules for an Ayurvedic Diet Select Foods for Your Dosha Type. Ayurveda maintains that each person has a unique mind-body constitution, known as a dosha. Eliminate Snacks. According to Ayurvedic principles, there are three stages of digestion that must be completed after a meal. Eat Until Satisfied, Not Full. Consume Whole, Fresh Foods. Include All Six Tastes at Every Meal.