What does the word fierce?

What does the word fierce?

Definition of fierce 1a : violently hostile or aggressive in temperament a fierce tiger. b : given to fighting or killing : pugnacious fierce fighters. 2a : marked by unrestrained zeal or vehemence a fierce argument. b : extremely vexatious, disappointing, or intense fierce pain.

What does fiercely mean in a sentence?

in a frightening, violent, or powerful way: to growl/fight fiercely. to burn fiercely. extremely: She’s fiercely competitive/independent.

What does run rampage mean?

to move, run, and do things in a wild, violent way: Youths rampaged through the downtown district.

What does fierce warrior mean?

1 having a violent and unrestrained nature; savage.

Is Fierce a bad word?

Sometimes people mistake the word Fierce for a negative connotation like “mean or scary”. That is a very old definition of this word.

How do you describe fierce?

1 untamed; cruel, fell, brutal; barbarous, bloodthirsty, murderous. 2, 3 furious, passionate, turbulent.

What is a fierce woman?

A fierce female is a multifaceted woman who works to empower herself and empower others. She isn’t afraid to acknowledge her fear, her doubts and her insecurities; but she tries so hard to be brave and courageous. She works hard and is unflinching in the belief of her personal values.

Is Fierce a positive word?

A word used to describe something that is out of the box, non-traditional, and dynamic. Passionate, joyful, and positive! Fierce means to demand excellence. Fierce is about inclusivity, honesty, authenticity.

Where did the word rampage come from?

rampage (v.) “rage or storm about,” 1715, in Scottish, probably from Middle English verb ramp “rave, rush wildly about” (c. 1300), especially of beasts rearing on their hind legs, as if climbing, from Old French ramper (see ramp (v.), also see rampant). Related: Rampaged; rampaging.

What is this rampage?

violent or excited behavior that is reckless, uncontrolled, or destructive. a state of violent anger or agitation: The smallest mistake sends him into a rampage. The river has gone on a rampage and flooded the countryside. verb (used without object), ram·paged, ram·pag·ing.

How can I be fierce?

10 tips to becoming FIERCE!

  1. Be a feminist idol. Do things that will inspire and influence other women.
  2. Be your own idol. Don’t look to other people too often for inspiration.
  3. Fake it till you make it.
  4. Never, ever, ever, ever, EVER, give up.
  5. Know your edge.
  6. Don’t try too hard.
  7. Get some experience.
  8. Don’t be afraid.

Is Fierce a quality?

Something that is of exceptional quality, bold, surprising and unforgettable. A word used to describe something that is out of the box, non-traditional, and dynamic. Passionate, joyful, and positive! Fierce means to demand excellence.