What disease is caused by Helicobacter pylori?

What disease is caused by Helicobacter pylori?

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a type of bacteria that causes infection in the stomach. It is the main cause of peptic ulcers, and it can also cause gastritis and stomach cancer.

What are the symptoms of having Helicobacter pylori?


  • An ache or burning pain in your abdomen.
  • Abdominal pain that’s worse when your stomach is empty.
  • Nausea.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Frequent burping.
  • Bloating.
  • Unintentional weight loss.

What foods are good for H. pylori?

Foods like yogurt, miso, kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, and tempeh are rich in “good” bacteria called probiotics. They may help ulcers by fighting an H. pylori infection or by helping treatments work better.

What can you not eat with H. pylori?

Food that stimulates the secretion of gastric acid (such as coffee, black tea and soft drinks) and food that irritates the stomach lining (like pepper, and processed, fatty meats, such as bacon and sausage) should be avoided when treating an H. Pylori infection.

What is the best antibiotic treatment for Helicobacter pylori?

Clarithromycin is the most effective antibiotic against H. pylori but, unfortunately, resistance to it is increasing and can not be overcome by increasing the dose or duration of therapy with clarithromycin.

How do you diagnose Helicobacter pylori?

H. pylori is contagious; however, some individuals may simply have the bacteria in their gut, and the bacteria causes no symptoms of disease. The diagnosis of H. pylori infection includes tests for antibodies in blood, a urea breath test, tests for antigens in stool, and endoscopic biopsies.

Which test is most accurate for H pylori?

A stool test can detect traces of H pylori in the feces. This test can be used to diagnose the infection and confirm that it has been cured after treatment. A tissue sample, called a biopsy, is taken from the stomach lining. This is the most accurate way to tell if you have an H pylori infection.

Who should be treated for Helicobacter pylori infection?

Any patient who tests positive for H. pylori infection should be treated. All patients with active or previous peptic ulcer disease should be tested for H. pylori infection unless there is documentation that the infection was previously cured.