What are Western ethics?

What are Western ethics?

Western ethics are dominated by ethical theories such as deontology and utilitarianism. Both the dominant theories are based on the individual as the determining factor in judging whether an action is good or bad; they’re individualistic in the sense that both reason and utilities belong to particular individuals.

What is the difference between Eastern and Western ethics?

Ethics is based on behavior, and dependence is from the inside to the outside. In order to be liberated, the inner self must be freed first in accordance to the world around it. Western philosophy, on the other hand, is based on self-dedication to be of service to others. Eastern philosophy also thrives on virtues.

Who is the founder of ethics in Western tradition?

Ancient Greece was the birthplace of Western philosophical ethics. The ideas of Socrates (c. 470–399 bce), Plato, and Aristotle (384–322 bce) will be discussed in the next section. The sudden flowering of philosophy during that period was rooted in the ethical thought of earlier centuries.

What is the basis of Eastern ethics?

Confucianism is a philosophy of maintaining moral virtue between individuals and within society as a whole. It takes its name from the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius and has formed the basis of much Eastern thought for thousands of years.

What is the meaning of Western philosophy?

Western philosophy encompasses the philosophical thought and work of the Western world. Historically, the term refers to the philosophical thinking of Western culture, beginning with the ancient Greek philosophy of the pre-Socratics.

What is the similarities between Western and Eastern philosophy?

Both of these philosophers have exerted an enormous influence through their works, and both argue for the existence of innate knowledge; that human beings are born knowing right from wrong, and good from bad, and need only be encouraged to pursue goodness in order to live a fulfilling life.

Why is ethics part of the philosophical tradition?

Ethics or moral philosophy is a branch of philosophy that “involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior”. Ethics seeks to resolve questions of human morality by defining concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice and crime.

What is Eastern virtue ethics?

Virtue ethics is among the oldest normative traditions in Western philosophy, with its roots in Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. According to virtue ethics, happiness is the end of human endeavors, and a virtuous character is ruled by practical goals that lead to a fulfilling and flourishing life.

What is the meaning of the word westernize?

Definition of westernize. transitive verb. : to imbue with qualities native to or associated with a western region and especially the noncommunist countries of Europe and America. intransitive verb.

What is the difference between European and Western culture?

The term also applies beyond Europe to countries and cultures whose histories are strongly connected to Europe by immigration, colonization, or influence. For example, Western culture includes countries in the Americas and Australasia, whose language and demographic ethnicity majorities are European.

What is the verb for Western?

verb (used with object), west·ern·ized, west·ern·iz·ing. to influence with ideas, customs, practices, etc., characteristic of Europe and North America.

What is the difference between globalism and Occidentalism?

Globalism has spread Western ideas so widely that almost all modern cultures are, to some extent, influenced by aspects of Western culture. Stereotyped views of “the West” have been labeled Occidentalism, paralleling Orientalism—the term for the 19th-century stereotyped views of “the East”.