What are some Spanish personal pronouns?

What are some Spanish personal pronouns?

Spanish pronouns include personal pronouns (refer to the persons speaking, the persons spoken to, or the persons or things spoken about), indefinite pronouns, relative pronouns (connect parts of sentences) and reciprocal or reflexive pronouns (in which the object of a verb is being acted on by verb’s subject).

What are indefinite pronouns in Spanish?

Spanish Indefinite Pronouns. Indefinite pronouns are those pronouns that typically refer to no particular person or thing. Some of the indefinite pronouns exist in both masculine and feminine forms as well as singular and plural forms, so they must agree with the nouns they refer to.

What are direct object nouns and pronouns in Spanish?

In Spanish, both types of object pronouns are the same except in the third person. The third-person singular direct object pronouns are lo (masculine) and la (feminine), while in the plural, they are los and las. But the indirect object pronouns are le and les in the singular and the plural, respectively.

What is the meaning of an interrogative sentence?

An interrogative sentence is a type of sentence that asks a question, as opposed to sentences that make a statement, deliver a command, or express an exclamation. Interrogative sentences are typically marked by inversion of the subject and predicate; that is, the first verb in a verb phrase appears before the subject.

What are some examples of relative pronouns?

Here are more examples of relative pronouns and how they are used: Whoever spilled milk will have to clean it up. In this sentence whoever acts as the subject of the verb spilled. The fruit which was put in the fruit bowl needs to be put in the picnic basket.

What are the indirect objects in Spanish?

In Spanish, it’s common for both an indirect object pronoun and the noun to which it refers to appear together. In the example below, Juan is the indirect object. The indirect object pronoun le can be used with the indirect object (as in the first example), or without it (as in the second example).

Which pronouns take a singular form of the verb?

Relative pronouns need to agree with their antecedents in number. If the nouns relative pronouns are referring to (antecedents) are plural, then the plural form of the verb is used, and if the noun is singular, then the singular form of the verb is needed.