What are Jstl functions?

What are Jstl functions?

The JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) is a collection of useful JSP tags which encapsulates the core functionality common to many JSP applications. JSTL has support for common, structural tasks such as iteration and conditionals, tags for manipulating XML documents, internationalization tags, and SQL tags.

What is the full form of JSTL?

The Java Standard Tag Library (JSTL; formerly JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library) is a component of the Java EE Web application development platform.

What is JSF tag library?

The JSF Tag libraries are used to add components on the web pages and connect components with objects on the server. It also contains tag handlers that implements the component tag.

Which is a JSTL core tag?

The JSTL core tag provides variable support, URL management, flow control etc. The syntax used for including JSTL core library in your JSP is: <%@ taglib uri=”http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core” prefix=”c” %>

What are basic tags of JSF?

JSF – Basic Tags

S.No Tag & Description
1 h:inputText Renders a HTML input of type=”text”, text box.
2 h:inputSecret Renders a HTML input of type=”password”, text box.
3 h:inputTextarea Renders a HTML textarea field.
4 h:inputHidden Renders a HTML input of type=”hidden”.

Why do we use JSF?

JSF provides a number of easy-to-use UI components that help web developers build very powerful Ajax-enabled UIs in the web tier. It also provides fine-grained control in the back end with basic Java programming.

What is the difference between JSF and JSTL libraries?

The JSF libraries include the JSTL JAR files for convenience, so that if an application references a JSF library, it automatically gets JSTL support as well. The jsf-2.0.war shared library is empty and is included for backward compatibility for applications that have previously referenced that shared library.

Does WebLogic support JSF and JSTL?

WebLogic Server 12.1.1 has enhanced support for JSF and JSTL. In this release, JSF 2.x and JSTL 1.2 have been incorporated directly in the server’s classpath.

Does JSTL lifecycle also apply to the ID and binding attributes?

The ones which extend from UIComponent are also JSF UI components, e.g. , , , etc. From JSF UI components only the id and binding attributes are also evaluated during view build time. Thus the below answer as to JSTL lifecycle also applies to the id and binding attributes of JSF components.