What are acronym and examples?

What are acronym and examples?

An acronym is a word formed by abbreviating a phrase by combining certain letters of words in the phrase (often the first initial of each) into a single term. Common examples of acronyms include NASA (an acronym for National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and FOMO (a slang acronym for fear of missing out).

What does CFE stand for in statistics?

The Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) credential denotes proven expertise in fraud prevention, detection and deterrence. CFEs are trained to identify the warning signs and red flags that indicate evidence of fraud and fraud risk.

What does CFE stand for in operations management?

Participants in the Certified Franchise Executive (CFE) program will complete an impressive array of course offerings in franchise management, leadership, and small business in order to gain insights into franchise strategy and operations.

What does CFE stand for in forecasting?

The Cumulative sum of Forecast Errors (CFE) is a common measure of forecast bias.

What is the most used acronym?

Common Acronyms in Chat

  • AFK – Away From Keyboard.
  • BBIAB – Be Back In A Bit.
  • BBL – Be Back Later.
  • BBS – Be Back Soon.
  • BEG – Big Evil Grin.
  • BRB – Be Right Back.
  • BTW – By The Way.
  • EG – Evil Grin.

What are the 5 examples of synonyms?

II. Examples of Synonyms

  • Bad: awful, terrible, horrible.
  • Good: fine, excellent, great.
  • Hot: burning, fiery, boiling.
  • Cold: chilly, freezing, frosty.
  • Easy: Simple, effortless, straightforward.
  • Hard: difficult, challenging, tough.
  • Big: large, huge, giant.
  • Small: tiny, little, mini.

What is the title CFE?

A Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) is a leader in the anti-fraud community, noted as a specialist in the prevention, detection and deterrence of fraud. CFEs represent the highest standards held by the ACFE.

Is CFE a good certification?

Because of this, becoming a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) can make you a valuable addition to any company. In fact, according to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, companies that employ CFEs uncover fraud 50 percent sooner.

What does CFE stand for in engineering?


Acronym Definition
CFE Combined Filter Effluent (water treatment)
CFE Center For Engineering
CFE Computer Forensic Examiner
CFE Centre for Fuels and Energy (Australia)

What does CFE stand for in manufacturing?


Acronym Definition
CFE Commercially Furnished Equipment
CFE Contract Field Engineer
CFE Candidate for Elimination (design for manufacture term)
CFE CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange) Future Exchange (Chicago, IL)

What are some cool acronyms?

Top 10 Text Abbreviations

  • ROFL means Rolling on floor laughing.
  • STFU means Shut the *freak* up.
  • LMK means Let me know.
  • ILY means I love you.
  • YOLO means You only live once.
  • SMH means Shaking my head.
  • LMFAO means Laughing my freaking *a* off.
  • NVM means Never mind.

What does CFE stand for in Army?

CFE. Combat Forces Elite. Military. CFE. Certified Financial Evaluator. Business Position. CFE. Conventional Forces Europe. Military.

What does CFE stand for in certification?

A Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) is a professional certification available to fraud examiners. CFEs are subject to periodic continuing professional education requirements (CPE) in the same manner as CPAs.

What is CFE in accounting?

A CFE is often called upon to prove or disprove if Fraud has occurred. Like a Forensic Accountant, CFEs work with engagements resulting from actual litigation or performed in anticipation of litigation. A CFE may have a degree in accounting and/or a degree in Finance, Criminal Justice, Law, or Information Sciences.

What is acronym examples?

These two abbreviations are easily confused and both used when writing: I.e. (or i.e. / I.E.) stands for “id est” (Latin for “That is (to say)” or “in other words”). E.g. (or e.g. / E.G.) stands for “exempli gratia” (Latin for “for example”).