Is it safe to download Trusteer Rapport?

Is it safe to download Trusteer Rapport?

We strongly recommend you download the FREE Rapport security software, to help guard yourself against internet banking identity theft and fraud. It’s designed with Santander in mind, and protects the connection between your computer and online banking.

Is Trusteer Rapport legit?

Trusteer Rapport is a perfectly legitimate piece of software – there’s nothing sinister about it, and it’s promoted by plenty of respectable brand names, including major banks.

Should I uninstall Trusteer Rapport?

We strongly recommend that you do not uninstall Rapport. If you are experiencing difficulties with Rapport, submit a support request at While a problem is being resolved, you can stop Rapport browser protection without uninstalling.

Is Trusteer Rapport malware?

Trusteer Rapport is security software advertised as an additional layer of security to anti-virus software. It is designed to protect confidential data, such as account credentials, from being stolen by malicious software (malware) and via phishing.

Is Trusteer Rapport compatible with Windows 10?

Thanks in Advance. The Rapport site ( indicates that they have a Windows 10 version but only for IBM Security Trusteer Rapport which, presumably, is not a version used by our banks.

What is IBM trusteer?

IBM Security Trusteer Rapport is an advanced endpoint protection solution designed to protect users from financial malware and phishing attacks.

Is IBM trusteer any good?

The implementation of IBM Trusteer has been very successful. The tool is useful for multiple protection and security functions, especially in the financial field. Currently we use it as a mechanism to evade attacks to our technological platforms due to the high strategic value of the information we handle.

Do I need rapport on my Mac?

Your bank’s suggestion to use Trusteer Rapport on your Mac is a great example of the changing landscape of malicious activity on the Internet. Rapport is primarily a browser-based security program that focuses on financial malware and phishing scams, which has little to do with which operating system you are using.

Why did trusteer get on my computer?

Trusteer Rapport (which is installed on your computer under the name of “Trusteer Endpoint Protection”) is a piece of security software from IBM that is intended to make your online banking safer by spotting fake banking websites, intercepting emails that contain misleading links to fake banking websites, and so on.

How do I know if I have Trusteer Rapport is installed?

For more information see The Rapport icon in the address bar of your browser is colored purple. To start Rapport if it is installed but not running, select Programs > Trusteer Endpoint Protection > Start Trusteer Endpoint Protection.

Does rapport work with Edge?

If you are installing Rapport for the first time on Windows 10, you must first complete the installation before you can install and enable the Edge extension. If you already have Rapport installed you must enable the extension the next time you start your Edge browser.

Is IBM Security Trusteer Rapport free?

IBM Trusteer Rapport Protect yourself from cyber criminals with free access to a Trusteer Rapport security software, provided by the financial security experts at IBM Security. Main Benefits: Free access- there is no charge for this software.

Is rapport safe to use?

While it’s marketed as giving you a security boost online, we’ve heard from plenty of members who’ve reported problems as a result of running Rapport, and our advice is not to use it. It’s understandable to be security conscious when logging into your online bank.

What is Trusteer Rapport and how does it work?

Trusteer Rapport (which is installed on your computer under the name of “Trusteer Endpoint Protection”) is a piece of security software from IBM that is intended to make your online banking safer by spotting fake banking websites, intercepting emails that contain misleading links to fake banking websites, and so on.

How does rapport protect my online banking?

An important point to emphasise is that it isn’t Rapport’s responsibility to protect your online banking. It’s your bank’s. Logging into an online bank involves multiple stages of security checks. These are put there by your bank to ensure that you and only you can access your account or transfer money.

Is it safe to log into my bank account without Trusteer Rapport?

It’s your bank’s. Logging into an online bank involves multiple stages of security checks. These are put there by your bank to ensure that you and only you can access your account or transfer money. You can log in perfectly safely without running Trusteer Rapport.