Is Aron Ralston real footage?

Is Aron Ralston real footage?

Ralston showed his desperate home movie footage to the filmmaker and his star, who recreates their message in the film – but he has no plans to release the real films. “By the time you’re an hour through this footage, six days has passed and I’d lost almost 40 pounds off of a pretty scrawny frame to begin with.

How accurate is 127 hours movie?

Of the authenticity of 127 Hours, Ralston has said that the film is “so factually accurate it is as close to a documentary as you can get and still be a drama,” and he jokingly added that he thought it is “the best film ever made.”

How did Ralston cut his arm off?

Ralston cut off his forearm to free himself from a dislodged boulder in a Utah canyon in 2003. He was “canyoneering” — making his way down a narrow canyon — at the time. After five days with little food and water, he broke his arm and then amputated it with a knife to escape.

Can you saw off your own foot?

It’s impossible,” said Dr. Marc Siegel, associate professor of medicine at New York University. “You’d survive no more than an hour.”

Who are the actors in the movie 127 Hours?

Jump to navigation Jump to search. 127 Hours is a 2010 biographical survival film produced and directed by Danny Boyle. The film stars James Franco, Kate Mara and Amber Tamblyn.

Is ‘127 Hours’ the best film ever made?

After seeing the 2010 film 127 Hours, Aron Ralston called it “so factually accurate it is as close to a documentary as you can get and still be a drama,” adding that it was “the best film ever made.”

What do you think about 127 Hours?

Great music, great filming, and stunning performance. 127 Hours is a fantastic movie about a real-life incident that may be too disturbing to watch for some people, but I’d consider it a must see on all grounds.

What does 127127 hours mean in the movie?

127 Hours. The film’s title refers to the period of non-stop activity from when Ralston awoke on the day of his accident to when he was put under anesthesia during his rescue.