Is a photomultiplier an amplifier?

Is a photomultiplier an amplifier?

A conventional PMT (Photomultiplier) is a vacuum tube which contains a photocathode, a number of dynodes (amplifying stages) and an anode which delivers the output signal.

What is a photomultiplier used for?

photomultiplier tube, electron multiplier tube that utilizes the multiplication of electrons by secondary emission to measure low light intensities. It is useful in television camera tubes, in astronomy to measure intensity of faint stars, and in nuclear studies to detect and measure minute flashes of light.

What is the principle of the photomultiplier tube?

The operating principle is that – caused by the photoelectric effect – photons striking a photocathode at the entrance window of a PMT produce electrons, which are then accelerated by a high-voltage field and multiplied in number within a chain of dynodes by the process of secondary emission.

What are the two types of photomultiplier tube?

There are two common photomultiplier orientations, the head-on or end-on (transmission mode) design, as shown above, where light enters the flat, circular top of the tube and passes the photocathode, and the side-on design (reflection mode), where light enters at a particular spot on the side of the tube, and impacts …

What is photomultiplier gain?

Photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) are used to detect light that comes from gamma- ray initiated showers in the earth’s atmosphere. The gain of the PMTs are key to determining the amount of light detected and subsequently, the energy of the incoming gamma ray.

How do Dynodes work?

In a PMT, dynodes are electrodes in a vacuum tube that serve as an electron multiplier through SEE (see Figure 1). The dynodes are so arranged that the electric fields between them cause the electrons emitted by each dynode to strike the next with an energy of a few hundred eV.

What is PMT voltage?

Typical flow cytometer instruments use photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) to detect the fluorescence in the samples. The initial signal (light hitting the detector) is amplified within the PMT to improve the sensitivity and resolution of the measurements.

How much does a photomultiplier tube cost?


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77360 Loading… Cart Loading… Photomultiplier Tube, 185-900 nm Range, UV Glass Window $1,495 In Stock 77360 Photomultiplier Tube, 185-900 nm Range, UV Glass Window $1,495

How are Photocathodes made?

A photocathode usually consists of alkali metals with very low work functions. The coating releases electrons much more readily than the underlying metal, allowing it to detect the low-energy photons in infrared radiation. The lens transmits the radiation from the object being viewed to a layer of coated glass.

What are Dynodes coated with?

A discrete dynode detector consists of an array of discrete dynode multipliers, usually containing 15–18 dynodes, coated with a metal oxide that has high secondary electron emission properties.

What is a high energy dynode?

High energy dynodes (HED) are now commonly used to enhance the sensitivity of ion detectors by increasing the impact energy of input ions, which increases the number of emitted secondary particles. In quadrupole systems, HED’s are usually designed to collect only low energy ions.