How do you use planimeter in surveying?

How do you use planimeter in surveying?

Planimeter is used to compute the area of given plan of any shape. In the first step anchor point is to be fixed at one point. If the given plan area is small, then anchor point is placed outside the plan. Similarly, if the given plan area is large then it is placed inside the plan.

What is mechanical planimeter?

The Mechanical Planimeter area measurement tool is used for measurements of areas of any shape from plans, maps, diagrams, photographs, etc.

How do you calculate planimeter?

In the planimeter formula for measuring area, A = M (FR – IR ± 10 N) + C, the additive constant is considered when

  1. the anchor point is inside the area being measured.
  2. the anchor point is outside the area being measured.
  3. the area traced is in clockwise direction.
  4. the area traced is in anti-clockwise direction.

Are Planimeters still used?

A planimeter is a table-top instrument for measuring areas, usually the areas of irregular regions on a map or photograph. They were once common, but have now largely been replaced by digital tools.

What is the use of Abney level?

An Abney level and clinometer, is an instrument used in surveying which consists of a fixed sighting tube, a movable spirit level that is connected to a pointing arm, and a protractor scale. An internal mirror allows the user to see the bubble in the level while sighting a distant target.

Where is planimeter used?

area measuring
Basically speaking, planimeters are area measuring tools. Planimeters are precision instruments used to trace around a closed loop of an object to find its area. Planimeters are used by engineers, surveyors, contractors, designers, medical professionals, and more.

How the planimeter is used to measure the area?

A planimeter is a table-top instrument for measuring areas, usually the areas of irregular regions on a map or photograph. You trace a curve in the clockwise direction with the tracer, and as you do so the measuring wheel rolls along, and the total distance it rolls is accumulated on the dial.

Are planimeters still used?

What are the two types of planimeter?

  • Linear planimeter.
  • Polar planimeter.

What is the purpose of planimeter?

A planimeter is a table-top instrument for measuring areas, usually the areas of irregular regions on a map or photograph.

How many types of planimeter is used?

The precise way in which they are constructed varies, with the main types of mechanical planimeter being polar, linear and Prytz or “hatchet” planimeters. The Swiss mathematician Jakob Amsler-Laffon built the first modern planimeter in 1854, the concept having been pioneered by Johann Martin Hermann in 1814.

What is a planimeter used to measure?

A planimeter is a tool that is used to measure the area of a plane figure. It is a mechanical calculator that is designed to simplify the process of measuring planar areas by displaying the results in rectangular coordinates. A planimeter is an instrument used in calculating the area of a plane.

How accurate is a digital planimeter?

The digital planimeter is a highly accurate instrument. It provides accuracy up to 0.25 mm. Digital planimeter is used in the construction industry to measure the area of larger constructions with great accuracy such as an apartment, houses or other rooms in buildings. 2.

How do you find the constant of a planimeter?

The constant Ca can be computed using an equation given in the instructions that come with each instrument. It is Ca = u*Sc^2 . “u” is the number of square inches per planimeter count, unique for each instrument and dependent on the arm length of that instrument. It is provided with each instrument shipped.

How do you calculate square feet with a mechanical planimeter?

If the Operator has a mechanical planimeter, he or she must manually multiply each planimeter reading by 19.249 to get the number of square feet. If he or she stores the 19.249 in a calculator memory, this task becomes easier.