How do you pronounce botanical family names?

How do you pronounce botanical family names?

Say “i” like “ee”, not “eye”. Say “a” like “ah”, not “ay”. Say “e” like “eh”, not “ee”. “Ch” is usually said like a “k”, not a ch, as in Pachycereus—”pa-kee-seer-ee-us”, but sometimes as a ch as in Lachenalia—”la-che-nal-ee-a”.

What language are botanical names?

Botanical Latin
Botanical Latin is a technical language based on New Latin, used for descriptions of botanical taxa. Until 2012, International Code of Botanical Nomenclature mandated Botanical Latin to be used for the descriptions of most new taxa. It is still the only language other than English accepted for descriptions.

What does the word Botanic mean?

1 : of or relating to plants or botany. 2 : derived from plants. Other Words from botanical.

How do you pronounce the 2 name in a scientific name?

“ii” (as in Alopiidae) is pronounced EE-ih. most vowels (including “y”) are pronounced short rather than long (as in math, ethics, fish, box, bus, and cyst)

How do you pronounce indoor plant names?

Guide: Indoor Plant Pronunciation

  1. Let’s talk about plant pronunciation.
  2. So here we go.
  3. Pilea Peperomioides: Pie-LEE-uh Pep-per-row-me-OY-dees.
  4. Monstera Deliciosa: Mon-STAIR-uh Del-liss-sea-OH-suh.
  5. Aglaonema: Ag-low-NEE-muh.
  6. Monstera Obliqua: Mon-STAIR-uh Oh-BLEE-kuh.
  7. Monstera Adansonii: Mon-STAIR-uh AH-dan-SEWN-nee-eye.

How do you say II in Latin?

The letters ii were pronounced as two i’s in succession, forming two syllables. In a word that ended with ii – that is, a word with either a possessive or a plural Latin ending – the first i would be pronounced as in “sit” and the second as in “machine.”

Why are botanical names in Latin?

Plants have Latin names due to the genus and species system of naming plants developed by famed Swedish botanist, Carolus Linnaeus. Latin (botanical) names are necessary, because common names for plants vary from region to region and even from town to town. One plant may live under several different common names.

Why do plants have 2 names?

Scientific Latin plant names help describe both the “genus” and “species” of plants in order to better categorize them. The binomial (two-name) system of nomenclature was developed by Swedish naturalist, Carl Linnaeus in the mid-1700s.

What is the difference between botanic and botanical?

For the adjective meaning of or relating to botany or the cultivation of plants, botanic and botanical are both acceptable, and there is no difference between them. Botanical is more common, however, especially in modern English. Until the 20th century, botanic was more common relative to botanical,…