How do you graph a Michaelis Menten plot?

How do you graph a Michaelis Menten plot?

Using graph paper, draw an x- and y-axis. Label the x-axis mM of [S] or concentration of substrate. Label the y ax- sec/micro-mole of V or velocity of reaction. Insert different values of [S] into the Michaelis-Menten equation, along with the values found for Km and Vmax, to solve for V.

What is Michaelis Menten graph used for?

The Michaelis-Menten equation (see below) is commonly used to study the kinetics of reaction catalysis by enzymes as well as the kinetics of transport by transporters. Typically, the rate of reaction (or reaction velocity) is experimentally measured at several substrate concentration values.

What happens to Km and Vmax in competitive inhibition?

Competitive inhibitors compete with the substrate at the active site, and therefore increase Km (the Michaelis-Menten constant). However, Vmax is unchanged because, with enough substrate concentration, the reaction can still complete.

Is Michaelis-Menten graph hyperbolic?

According to Michaelis-Menten kinetics, if the velocity of an enzymatic reaction is represented graphically as a function of the substrate concentration (S), the curve obtained in most cases is a hyperbola.

What is the Michaelis-Menten equation and its Lineweaver Burk form?

The Lineweaver-Burk equation is a linear equation, where 1/V is a linear function of 1/[S] instead of V being a rational function of [S]. The Lineweaver-Burk equation can be readily represented graphically to determine the values of Km and Vmax. Given a Lineweaver-Burk plot, determine the Km of a particular enzyme.

Why does Km decrease in competitive inhibition?

When the competitive inhibitor binds the enzyme, it is effectively ‘taken out of action. Why then, does Km appear higher in the presence of a competitive inhibitor. The reason is that the competitive inhibitor is reducing the amount of active enzyme at lower concentrations of substrate.

Does Km change in competitive inhibition?

A competitive inhibitor binds the enzyme at the same site as the substrate but does not get catalyzed. In the presence of a competitive inhibitor, Vmax remains unchanged while Km increases.

How Michaelis Menten constant is affected in competitive and non-competitive inhibition?

Competitive inhibitors increase the value of the Michaelis constant (Km), but do not modify the maximum velocity (Vmax) of the enzyme. Certain molecules can act as competitive inhibitors binding to the active site of an enzyme even if they do not possess structural similarity with the substrate.

What does the Michaelis-Menten graph show?

The Michaelis-Menten graph displays the velocity (mM/min) vs. concentration of p-nitrophenyl phosphate. The graph does a good job in displaying how the inhibitor decreases the velocity with equal concentrations of the substrate.

How does substrate concentration affect Michaelis-Menten graph?

In a classic Michaelis-Menten graph, the y-axis represents reaction rate and the x-axis represents substrate concentration. At low substrate concentrations, the reaction rate increases sharply. But as the substrate concentration climbs, the reaction rate begins to increase less and less until it comes to a point where it plateaus into a flat line.

What is a Michaelis-Menten plot of enzyme kinetics?

In a Michaelis-Menten plot of enzyme kinetics, the reaction rate is plotted as a function of substrate concentration. Why is it that as substrate concentration increases, the curve of the graph levels off and reaches a plateau?

What is the Michaelis-Menten equation used for?

The Michaelis-Menten equation (see below) is commonly used to study the kinetics of reaction catalysis by enzymes as well as the kinetics of transport by transporters.