How do you conjugate Asseoir?

How do you conjugate Asseoir?

The verb asseoir and its derivatives have their own conjugation pattern; there are two conjugation variants: il assoit / il assied.

  1. j’assieds.
  2. tu assieds.
  3. il/elle assied.
  4. nous asseyons.
  5. vous asseyez.
  6. ils/elles asseyent.
  7. j’assois.
  8. tu assois.

What are the 8 rules of imperative in French?

To form the imperative, drop the tu, vous or nous and keep the verb in the present tense:

  • prendre: tu prends → prends ! – take!
  • faire: vous faites → faites ! – do/make!
  • aller: nous allons → allons ! – let’s go!
  • partir: tu pars → pars ! – leave!

What is an imperative sentence in French?

L’impératif (the imperative) is used to give orders or advice to one or more people. The imperative only exists in the second person singular (tu), the first person plural (nous) and the second person plural (vous). The imperative is conjugated in the same way as the present tense, but the subject pronouns are omitted.

Where does Veuillez come from?

It’s the impératif form of Vouloir. In French, many polite sentences start with Veuillez, and it’s not translated at all in English. For example : “Veuillez vous asseoir.” > Take a seat.

Which conjugation of S Asseoir is more common?

2) There are two strictly equivalent, fully correct conjugation forms to asseoir (to make or help someone / something sit down) or s’asseoir (to sit down, much more common).

What is the meaning of s Asseoir?

[aswaʀ ] Full verb table intransitive reflexive verb. (de la position debout) to sit down. (de la position couchée) to sit up.

What do imperative verbs do?

Imperative verbs are verbs that create an imperative sentence (i.e. a sentence that gives an order or command). When reading an imperative sentence, it will always sound like the speaker is bossing someone around. Imperative verbs don’t leave room for questions or discussion, even if the sentence has a polite tone.

What is the imperative of aller?

The French irregular verb aller (“to go”) is one of the most frequently used of all French verbs….Conjugated in the Imperative Mood.

Present Imperative/Impératif Présent Past Imperative/ Impératif Passé
(tu) va (tu) sois allé(e)
(tu) va (nous) soyons allé(e)s
(vous) allez (vous) soyez allé(e/s)

Which is imperative sentence?

An imperative sentence is a sentence that expresses a direct command, request, invitations, warning, or instruction. Imperative sentences do not have a subject; instead, a directive is given to an implied second person.

How do you use imperative in a sentence?

Imperative sentence example

  1. It’s imperative to your success.
  2. Water is imperative for survival.
  3. It’s imperative to restrict everything that makes his stomach upset.
  4. It’s imperative you see me at the earliest opportunity.
  5. It was imperative that everyone understood the rules so that this would not happen again.

What form is Veuillez?

Veuillez (faire ceci, or éteindre la lumière) is a perfectly polite form of address. The impolite imperative form would be Faites ceci, or éteignez la lumière. There is no need to add redondant expressions like je vous prie, s’il vous plait, etc. in a formal letter or instructions (for example in a user’s manual).

How do you pronounce Veuillez in French?


  1. IPA: /vœ.je/
  2. Audio. (file)