How do I know if my Platykurtic is distributed?

How do I know if my Platykurtic is distributed?

When kurtosis is equal to 0, the distribution is platykurtic. A platykurtic distribution is flatter (less peaked) when compared with the normal distribution, with fewer values in its shorter (i.e. lighter and thinner) tails.

What is an example of a Leptokurtic distribution?

An example of a leptokurtic distribution is the Laplace distribution, which has tails that asymptotically approach zero more slowly than a Gaussian, and therefore produces more outliers than the normal distribution.

What is Platykurtic distribution?

The term “platykurtic” refers to a statistical distribution in which the excess kurtosis value is negative. For this reason, a platykurtic distribution will have thinner tails than a normal distribution will, resulting in fewer extreme positive or negative events.

Is at Leptokurtic a distribution?

The T distribution is an example of a leptokurtic distribution. It has fatter tails than the normal (you can also look at the first image above to see the fatter tails). Therefore, the critical values in a Student’s t-test will be larger than the critical values from a z-test.

How do I know if I have Platykurtic or Leptokurtic?

K > 3 indicates a leptokurtic distribution (more peaked than a normal distribution with longer tails). K = 3 indicates a normal “bellshaped” distribution (mesokurtic). K < 3 indicates a platykurtic distribution. K > 3 indicates a leptokurtic distribution.

Why does Leptokurtic have fatter tails?

Leptokurtic (Kurtosis > 3): Distribution is longer, tails are fatter. Peak is higher and sharper than Mesokurtic, which means that data are heavy-tailed or profusion of outliers. The reason for this is because the extreme values are less than that of the normal distribution.

What causes Leptokurtic?

The prefix of “lepto-” means “skinny,” making the shape of a leptokurtic distribution easier to remember. The “skinniness” of a leptokurtic distribution is a consequence of the outliers, which stretch the horizontal axis of the histogram graph, making the bulk of the data appear in a narrow (“skinny”) vertical range.

Is it Leptokurtic or Platykurtic?

A platykurtic distribution would, therefore, have thinner tails than a normal distribution, leading to less extreme positive or negative events. A leptokurtic distribution is the opposite of a platykurtic distribution. It has an excess kurtosis that is positive.

What does Platykurtosis mean?

Platykurtosis is a statistical measure used to describe a situation in which the peak of the curve of frequency distribution is comparatively flatter than that of normal distribution.

How do you identify Mesokurtic?

Mesokurtic distributions have a kurtosis of zero, meaning that the probability of extreme, rare, or outlier data is close to zero. Mesokurtic distributions have the same kurtosis as that of the normal distribution, or normal curve, also known as a bell curve. In contrast, a leptokurtic distribution has fatter tails.

What is Platykurtosis?

Platykurtosis is a statistical measure used to describe a situation in which the peak of the curve of frequency distribution is comparatively flatter than that of normal distribution. As its name signifies it consists of two terms ‘platy’ and ‘kurtosis’.

What is the difference between mesokurtic and platykurtic distribution?

Mesokurtic (kurtosis same as the normal distribution). Platykurtic or short-tailed distribution (kurtosis less than normal distribution). Leptokurtic is having very long and skinny tails, which means there are more chances of outliers. Positive values of kurtosis indicate that distribution is peaked and possesses thick tails.

What does leptokurtic mean in statistics?

A leptokurtic distribution has a higher peak and taller (i.e. fatter and heavy) tails than a normal distribution. An extreme positive kurtosis indicates a distribution where more of the values are located in the tails of the distribution rather than around the mean. Further Information.

What does platykurtic mean?

Platykurtic: Fewer values in the tails and fewer values close to the mean (i.e. the curve has a flat peak and has more dispersed scores with lighter tails). What does it mean when kurtosis is zero? When kurtosis is equal to 0, the distribution is mesokurtic.

How to report a 529 plan distribution on federal income tax?

How to report a taxable 529 plan distribution on federal income tax returns. 1 Divide the AQEE by the total 529 plan distribution (Form 1099-Q, Box 1) 2 Multiply the answer by the earnings portion of the total distribution (Form 1099-Q, Box 2). 3 Subtract this amount from the total distributed earnings.