How do I know if I owe a toll in California?

How do I know if I owe a toll in California?

Visit the Toll Violation section of our website or call (949) 727-4800. Please know your violation and reference numbers, which are located in the first column of your Notice of Toll Evasion.

What happens if you don’t pay a toll in California?

If you don’t pay your toll by its due date, you will receive a delinquent notice. The following is a schedule of toll evasion penalties: First notice issued: toll plus $25 penalty. Second (delinquent) notice issued: toll plus $70 ($25 penalty plus $45 late fee).

What is a toll violation in California?

Toll Violations. Failure to pay the established bridge or express lane toll is a violation of California’s toll evasion statutes. Toll evasion violations will be enforced. If you drive through a bridge toll lane without a valid FasTrak and without paying the toll, you will receive a notice of toll evasion.

How do I pay a missed toll in California?

Visitors and infrequent drivers can pay tolls within 5 days before or 5 days after driving The Toll Roads using our free app or online at

How long does it take for a toll to post?

It can take up to 4 weeks after you travel for a toll notice to be sent. Toll notices are issued to the registered owner of the vehicle and will include the cost of your tolls plus additional fees.

How much do toll roads cost in California?

Costs vary and can range from $3 to $10/day + tolls, whether you use it or not.

How do I pay the toll on CA 73?

On The Toll Roads (State Routes 73, 133, 241 and 261) all tolls are collected electronically and can be paid with a pre-established FasTrak® account. Visitors or infrequent users can pay their toll(s) online.

Can I use EZ Pass in California?

E-Z Pass operates in most of the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and Midwest, while big states like California (FasTrak), Texas (TxTag), and Florida (SunPass) have their own pass systems. Since the passes aren’t interoperable, drivers entering a state outside their system have to pay a toll in cash.

How much is the toll on I 80 in California?

The toll rate for passenger cars is $6. During peak traffic hours (Monday through Friday between 5 a.m.-10 a.m. and 3 p.m.-7 p.m), 3+ carpools and motorcycles pay a toll of $3. The San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge bridges I-80 between San Francisco and Oakland.

How do I pay a one time toll in California?

In California you can pay tolls via FasTrak system, via Pay by plate video toll system or with Cash. Orange County toll roads do not have cash plazas. You can open FasTrak®, ExpressAccount® Prepaid or ExpressAccount invoice using cash at Irvine Customer Service Center.

Where are there tolls in California?

Detailed information on each toll bridge can be found at the California toll Bridges page.The Antioch Bridge.The Benicia–Martinez Bridge.The Carquinez Bridge.The Dumbarton Bridge.Golden Gate bridge.The Richmond–San Rafael Bridge.The San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge.The San Mateo–Hayward Bridge.

How much is FasTrak pass?

If you open an account using a valid credit card, FasTrak collects an initial prepaid balance of $25 per toll tag. Alternatively, if you open an account using cash or check, FasTrak collects an initial prepaid balance of $50 per toll tag plus $20 security deposit per toll tag.

What happens if you go through FasTrak without a pass?

When a vehicle passes through a tolled facility without a valid toll tag, License Plate Account, or one-time payment, FasTrak will issue a toll evasion violation to the vehicle’s registered owner. On the Golden Gate Bridge, vehicles without FasTrak or a prepaid toll account will be sent a toll invoice.

How much is FasTrak at Costco?

At participating Costco Warehouses and Orange County Albertsons locations, purchase a FasTrak® transponder for $44.99 and get $5.01 in free tolls credited to your account once the transponder is activated at

Is FasTrak free on weekends?

The express lanes will operate from 5 am to 8 pm, Monday through Friday. They are free for all drivers on weekends and weeknights. 3-person carpools, buses, vanpools and motorcycles must use a FasTrak Flex toll tag set to 3+ to travel toll free. 2-person carpools pay a toll.

How much is FasTrak a month Bay Area?

MMT and Fee Schedule:Minimum Monthly in Tolls (One Transponder Included)$4.50Minimum Monthly in Tolls for Each Additional Transponder$1.00Requested Printed Statement (e.g., Monthly or Annual Statement Request)$2.00Returned Item Fee/Insufficient Funds (Check/ACH)$25.006

How does FasTrak know if you are a carpool?

It’s your responsibility to remove the fast track and put it in the bag provided which blocks the signal keeping you from being charged. While you travel the express Lane, those without a FastTrack will trigger a warning light for cops up ahead to check and make sure you are a carpool.

Do you save money with FasTrak?

The toll tag does all the work—no more fumbling for cash! It saves money. On the Golden Gate Bridge, all FasTrak users pay a discounted toll rate. It provides incentives to carpool.

Can you use FasTrak If you forgot transponder?

Generally, with a very few exceptions, yes you can. When you apply for your FasTrak* (or it’s equivalent in other states) you have to give them your vehicle information, including your tag number, and the system will run a check against your tag number for FasTrak* authorization.

Do you have to pay monthly for FasTrak?

There are no fees to open or to maintain a FasTrak account. Think of your FasTrak account as a little bank account for tolls. Your account must always have a balance, and tolls will be automatically deducted from your balance each time a toll is collected. Open your FasTrak account with a credit card, cash or check.