How do I create a setup and deployment project in Visual Studio 2013?

How do I create a setup and deployment project in Visual Studio 2013?

Go to Other Project Types and choose Setup and Deployment. From the right pane window, you will see “Enable InstallShield Limited Edition”, you just need to choose it and press OK. Actually with Visual Studio 2013, the setup project is based on your requirement.

How do I create a project in Visual Studio 2013?

On the menu bar, select File > New > Project.

  1. In the left (Templates) pane, select Other Project Types > Visual Studio Solutions in the expanded list.
  2. In the middle pane, select Blank Solution.
  3. Enter Name and Location values for your solution, and then select OK.

How do I create a setup installation in Visual Studio?

Go to Extensions > Manage Extensions > Online > Search, find, download and install Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects extension. 2). Add a new Setup Project in your solution > right-click Application Folder > Add > Project Output… > choose the corresponding Project > select Primary output > OK.

How do I create a Web setup project in Visual Studio 2013?

In Solution Explorer, right-click the solution node, click Add, and then click New Project. In the Add New Project dialog box, in the Project Types area, expand Other Project Types, expand Setup and Deployment Projects, and then select Visual Studio Installer. In the Templates area, select Web Setup Project.

What is setup project in Visual Studio?

Section II: VS.NET Setup Projects

  1. Setup Project. Generic type of project that could be used for all types of applications including web-based applications.
  2. Web SetUp Project. Name suggests the type; this project type helps in creating virtual directories for web-based applications during installation.
  3. Merge Module Project.

What is setup project?

The setup project is use to create a windows installer (. msi) file that will install your application. Setup.exe – This bootstrapper program can check for and intall the necessary pre-requisites. Wont automatically check that the client has the necessary pre-requisites.

How do I create a new MVC project in Visual Studio 2013?

To create new project, Open Visual Studio, I am using Visual Studio 2013 and click on File Menu, then New and choose Project. It will open a new window from where you can choose the application type. Choose Web from Installed and then choose ASP.NET Web Application.

How do I create a new C# project in Visual Studio 2019?

Open Visual Studio. On the start window, choose Create a new project. On the Create a new project window, enter or type console in the search box. Next, choose C# from the Language list, and then choose Windows from the Platform list.

How do I create a setup file for Windows application in C#?

Open Solution Explorer->Click on ‘solution’test'(‘project)->Add New Project->Select other project types from left window->Select visual studio Installer->Select the setup Wizard-> write your setup name in below(mysetup)->click OK. One wizard will be opened->click ‘Next’ Button.

How do I create a .NET core application in Visual Studio 2013?

An empty ASP.NET Core application can be built in VS2013 by doing the following steps:

  1. Create a Console App project that targets at least .
  2. Install the following NuGet Packages:
  3. Add existing item to project: [solution root]\packages\Libuv.
  4. For the above file, set the property “Copy to Output Directory” to “Copy always”

How do I add a template to Visual Studio 2013?

The easiest way to create a project template is by using the Export Template Wizard that is built into Visual Studio. Just navigate to File > Export Template… to open it.

What is setup project in C#?

Setup Project. Generic type of project that could be used for all types of applications including web-based applications. Web SetUp Project. Name suggests the type; this project type helps in creating virtual directories for web-based applications during installation.

How to enable setup project in Visual Studio 2013?

Actually with Visual Studio 2013, the setup project is based on your requirement. When you press OK, it will open InstallShield Limited Edition for Visual Studio page. Here you will find the link as Go to the download web site from where you can enable setup project with your Visual Studio.

How do I use the Visual Studio installer projects extension?

To use this extension you can either open the Extensions and Updates dialog, select the online node and search for “Visual Studio Installer Projects Extension” or you can download directly from this page. Once you have finished installing the extension and restarted Visual Studio you will be able…

Does Visual Studio 2013 support installers (MSI)?

Microsoft has listened to the cry for supporting installers (MSI) in Visual Studio and release the Visual Studio Installer Projects Extension. You can now create installers in VS2013, download the extension herefrom the visualstudiogallery. visual-studio-installer-projects-extension

How to create a calculator in Visual Studio 2013?

So, to create new Windows application, open Visual Studio 2013 and choose Visual C#, then Windows and from the right pane, you need to choose Windows Forms Application. Provide the simple name “MyCalculator” and click OK. Create a simple add calculator for demo purpose. Form1.cs.