How can you tell if a bronze sculpture is real?

How can you tell if a bronze sculpture is real?

How to Check: Check the metal’s color by scratching the patina, real bronze has a reddish-gold color. But, since there are variations in the portion of the elements of the alloy, colors do vary from yellowish to onyx. But if the color is too blackish, or matted you should be alarmed.

What do bronze statues symbolize?

Bronze statues have historically signified gods and leaders from all cultures, adding to the regal impression one garners when studying them. The color and complicated material attracts artists, who could historically use it again once it corroded, melting it down to its original form for creating something new.

How do you find out what a statue is worth?

Conduct research online or at a library on any insignias or markings you found. If none were found, do comparison research–that is compare it with bronze sculptures already on the market. If a replicate sculpture is found and a value specified, then you’ve found a potential price.

Are bronze statues solid or hollow?

Small statues were directly sculptured in wax, so that when it is invested (covered) with clay and the wax melts, the interior is completely hollow, so the bronze statuette is solid.

Can you date bronze?

The first bronze statues that could be dated are those made by Donatello whose inspiration came from mythology, reflecting the taste of an era. One of his major works being the Condottiere of Gattamelata. Today, bronze is rarely used, but it remains useful for the manufacture of bells or some artistic creations.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of bronze?

Bronze resists corrosion and metal fatigue better, and conducts heat and electricity, better than most steels. Disadvantages: Bronzes are generally softer, weaker and more expensive than steel.

Are brass figurines valuable?

Brass figurines make attractive décor items and many brass items were produced with a practical use in mind, so many of the antiques can still be used for their intended purpose. With brass, the older the object, the more value it offers to the decorator or collector.