For what society does Kurtz write a report?

For what society does Kurtz write a report?

Hover for more information. Kurtz’s report for the International Society for the Suppression of Savage Customs is a seventeen-page treatise written in “eloquent” but “high-strung” language. It is, Marlow says, a “beautiful piece of writing” that speaks of the “benevolence” the imperialists must bestow upon the natives.

Who is the helmsman in Heart of Darkness?

The helmsman who is responsible for steering Marlow’s boat is disliked by Marlow because he would act as if he was very important in front of people but he would be very “passive when left alone”. Marlow considers him a fool and he demonstrates this when the boat is attacked.

What happens to the helmsman in Heart of Darkness?

While Marlow is steering the ship towards deeper water, he suddenly looks down and the helmsman is lying on his back attempting to pull out a spear that is lodged in his side. Unfortunately, the helmsman dies after he is struck by a spear, which hits him directly in…

Why do the natives not want Kurtz to leave?

The Harlequin then explained that the natives attacked Marlow’s steamboat because they did not want anyone to take Kurtz away from them. Part 2 of Heart of Darkness offers the reader some of Conrad’s most dense passages.

Why does Marlow fascinated by Kurtz?

In the end of the story, when Marlow meets Kurtz’s wife, he has realized that Kurtz was a sort of universal genius, because he had read Kurtz texts and was really fascinated.

What did Kurtz do wrong in Heart of Darkness?

Kurtz is a central fictional character in Joseph Conrad’s 1899 novella Heart of Darkness. A trader of ivory in Africa and commander of a trading post, he monopolises his position as a demigod among native Africans.

Why did Kurtz die?

While he used to worry about the best ways to bring (as his painting demonstrates) the “light” of civilization to the Congo, he dies as a man believing that the Company should simply “Exterminate all the brutes!” Kurtz is a dangerous man because he gives the lie to the Company’s “humanistic” intentions in the Congo.

Why did Marlow lie about Kurtz last words?

Marlow lies to Kurtz’s Intended to spare her the painful reality of her fiancé’s descent into madness and evil. Marlow lies that the last word Kurtz uttered was his fiancée’s name because “it would have been too dark” to tell her that Kurtz last spoke of pure and desolate horror. Previous page Next section.

WHO announces the death of Kurtz?

One other voice makes a crucial contribution to the construction of Kurtz: the manager’s boy announces his death (with the words which now have intertextual resonance through the epigraph to T. S. Eliot’s The Hollow Men, 1925): ‘Mistah Kurtz — he dead’ [HD, p. 100].

Is Kurtz good or bad?

In terms of literature, the reader can see Kurtz, most simply, as he resembles the archetypal “evil genius”, the highly gifted but ultimately degenerate individual whose fall is the stuff of legends.

WHO announces the death of Kurtz quizlet?

The “manager’s boy” appears and announces this in a scathing tone. “Mistah Kurtz—he dead.”

How does Kurtz continually terrorize the surrounding tribes?

How does Kurtz continually terrorize the surrounding tribes? He hallucinates speaking with Kurtz again.

Where is Marlow as he recounts the story to the narrator?

– Marlow then recounts his voyage to the Congo as a young man.

What does Marlow see when he turns his binoculars on Kurtz compound again?

What does Marlow see when he turns his binoculars on Kurtz’ compound again? He sees spiked human heads and he relates it to the idea of restraint by stating “Kurtz suffered too much.

What does the Russian Tell Marlow to do with Kurtz?

Marlow describes Kurtz as looking like “an animated image of death carved out of ivory.” The natives swarm forward. The Russian whispers to Marlow that if Kurtz says the word, they’ll all be killed. Kurtz speaks (Marlow can’t hear him from so far away), and the natives melt back into the jungle.

How does Marlow describe the woman what sort of encounter did the Russian once have with the woman?

Notice her action for later reference. What sort of encounter did the Russian once have with. He describes the woman as a “savage and superb” African woman that was pacing back and forth outside the steamship.