Does Bettafix really work?

Does Bettafix really work?

Does Bettafix work? Ok, so Bettafix is not some kind of miracle cure. Yes, it does work, and it works very often, and very well. When it comes to sick betta fish, this is the best treatment option out there, and this is true for a variety of diseases that may afflict betta fish.

How long should I use Bettafix?

Use six drops per pint, 12 drops per quart or 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of betta bowl water. Repeat dose daily for up to seven days before making a water change. Treatment may be repeated if necessary.

Which is better Melafix or Bettafix?

The Melafix is safe for delicate fish species, all marine fish and reef aquariums while the Bettafix was specifically formulated for Betta fish. Not only are Melafix and Bettafix pretty much the same thing, but Bettafix is actually more expensive, if you think about it! Get Melafix, not Bettafix.

Is API Bettafix safe?

The BETTAFIX Remedy is intended for use when your fish exhibit signs of disease or damaged tissue. API MELAFIX is better suited for the treatment of external bacterial infections in fish. Using MELAFIX and PIMAFIX together is perfectly safe and is in fact recommended if treating stubborn infections.

What does Bettafix fix?

BETTAFIX™ API® BETTAFIX fish remedy is an all-natural, antibacterial fish remedy for Bettas that should be used whenever your Betta exhibits signs of disease, such as wounds, ulcers, mouth fungus, fin & tail rot, slimy patches, and cottony growths.

Will Bettafix hurt plants?

It does no harm to plants but I had some snails that weren’t to fond of the medicine but I think it’s because I had been trying different kinds every couple of months due to my bettas fin rot. 3 of 4 found this helpful.

Can Bettafix be used as a preventative?

Treat and heal wounds, diseases and infections with API Bettafix Antibacterial & Antifungal Betta Fish Infection and Fungus Treatment. Use daily for a week when treating infections and for three days as a preventive when adding new fish.

Can I use Bettafix with aquarium salt?

Answer: In general this bettafix made my betta sicker without any appetite . I don’t recommend you using it. Use instead a special sea salt and keep your tank clean .

Can I use bettafix with aquarium salt?

Will bettafix harm plants?

Which is better Melafix or Pimafix?

Melafix is formulated to heal bacterial infections such as tail and fin rot, eye cloud, mouth fungus and more while Pimafix quickly treats fungal and bacterial infections such as cottony growth, fin and tail rot and many more.

What is betta fix good for?

API® BETTAFIX fish remedy is an all-natural, antibacterial fish remedy for Bettas that should be used whenever your Betta exhibits signs of disease, such as wounds, ulcers, mouth fungus, fin & tail rot, slimy patches, and cottony growths.

What is Bettafix?

What Is Bettafix? BettaFix is a specialized fish medicine, specifically for betta fish, otherwise known as Siamese fighting fish, hence the name of it. Bettafix is an antibacterial and anti-fungal remedy for treating various bacterial and fungal infections that are often afflict betta fish.

What is the best antibacterial for Betta fish?

Bettafix is an antibacterial and anti-fungal remedy for treating various bacterial and fungal infections that are often afflict betta fish. Bettafix usually comes in 1.7 ounces bottles, which should be more than enough to get rid of any bacterial or fungal infection on a betta fish (you can see more info on Amazon here).

Does my betta fish have fungal infection?

Bettafix Review 2021: All You Need To Know If your betta fish has a fungal or bacterial infection you need to act quickly. Many bacterial and fungal diseases which affect betta fish can be lethal in just a few weeks. It is up to you to find the proper treatment, or else your fish will unfortunately die.