Help with lessons: 75 tips on how to pass the coursework with little effort

So, you asked for a different exchange rate, is not it? Denial, Anger, Haggling, Depression and Acceptance – Have they gone through the five classic stages? Here are 75 simple tips that can boost and help your writing will help you get a decent score to win without much effort.


This time tested tactical can correct the exchange rate need help:

Create the right conditions

  1. Find a quiet place where no one will bother you.
  2. Give yourself enough time, so do not start too late in the evening.
  3. Bring a glass of clean water and make sure that the room you are working in is properly ventilated.

Concentration should be very high

  1. Remove all distractions – block you distract most sites (you can come in practical applications such as Focus Booster, anti-social and concentrated).
  2. Choose the right music. The best option – classic, jazz or any other genre that do not know.
  3. Inventory of the product, improves the functioning of the brain (nuts, seeds, fruits), which is within easy reach.

Understand the problem

  1. Make sure you understand the essential purpose of the task; i.e. determine the beginning, if you discuss will be invited to discuss, criticize or analyze.
  2. Look at all unknown words in the job description.
  3. Ask yourself if you need help clarifying your teacher.

Collect everything you need

  1. Find your notes or borrow from reliable classmates.
  2. Prepare a notepad, pens, pencils and notepad
  3. Sit comfortably in a chair, but not too much (do not try to work in bed).

Start the study

  1. Start with a standard query in Google (Scholar Google, very useful Books Google).
  2. Visit the College – Library and online read the database.
  3. (Can Survey Monkey, HelpaReporter or your contacts list in social networks help) Resources – Consider using online.

Speed reading skills can be very helpful when writing a short-term paper

  1. Use to read instead of see Ctrl + F documents in their entirety.
  2. Focus on shutter speeds, introduction and conclusion.
  3. If you have read the entire article, you should specific applications for high speed – reading how to Boba, Acceleread and fast reading.

Start with a link to the sources from the beginning

  1. Make it a rule to name to sources such as search.
  2. Learn the rules recommended by the writing style (APA, MLA, etc.).
  3. Always keep preventing references or the full text of the documents they lose by accident.

Avoid plagiarism

  1. Use quotation marks for direct quotes.
  2. Enter the names of the cited authors.
  3. Please quote the source when you quote the most important data, such as statistics.

Effective notes

  1. Write down all the important ideas you find.
  2. Note the ideas as they come to mind.
  3. Draw diagrams links that connect the ideas of arrows and do not write complete sentences.


  1. Set the timer and come up with as many ideas as possible in a short amount of time.
  2. Start the stopwatch and write every idea down came to mind.
  3. Choose the best ideas.


  1. Use a classical structure (introduction + plan + methodology + analysis + + Conclusions Discussion).
  2. Be a complete proposal for each section.
  3. Decide how many words you should write in each section.

Stay productive

  1. If you feel tired, do some exercises to improve blood circulation and feel renewed (update).
  2. Take short regular breaks. For example, 50 minutes of work and 10 minutes of rest is a proven formula for success.
  3. If you feel you want, try not to write, then the method of idling. Sit and do absolutely nothing for ten or fifteen minutes.

Be the introduction

  1. Add “attention hook” to retain the reader’s attention – some amazing statistics, an interesting quote or a rhetorical question.
  2. Keep the sense of your most important goals.
  3. Formulate your assumptions or research questions.

Squashing Your Abstracts

  1. Include a list of summaries at the end of the “Introduction” – an overview of all your work.
  2. Make sure your thesis on the question of meaning and answer: “That examined”
  3. Add your thesis to show the disadvantages you can take into account the different aspects of the issue.

Write a review of the literature

  1. Share the resources in groups according to the authors selected views.
  2. Consider the aspects of your theme, to which other authors are not taken into account.
  3. Make realistic promises to fill this gap.

Select the method

  1. Choose between quantitative and qualitative research, and whether you pay more attention to primary or secondary sources.
  2. Determine your subject more appropriate representation or sampling convenience.
  3. Think about how much resources are needed to reach appropriate conclusions.

Describe your conclusions

  1. Enter a detailed description of the results.
  2. Enter only numbers.
  3. Do not try to express their views without reinforcing the facts.

Discuss your results

  1. Conclusions draw your results.
  2. Discuss the most important trends.
  3. Please describe the links between the different aspects of your work.

Enter all possible restrictions

  1. Discuss any possible polarization for researchers or participants.
  2. If you use a sample, you must mention that one of these limits.
  3. Discuss aspects that could be improved in your work.

Writing conclusion

  1. Start with a brief overview of your research process and results.
  2. Avoid the use of any new information.
  3. Make suggestions for further research.


Take a well-deserved break

At this point, you will forget that you wanted to help in the beginning.

  1. Before proofreading, do not forget to take a break.
  2. Call a friend.
  3. Spend time on funny videos.

Use a grammar checker and spelling

  1. Check your grammar with Grammarly, Ginger or WhiteSmoke.
  2. Check your style with Expresso or Word rates.
  3. Check with Punctuation or Spellcheckplus or Onlinecorrection.

Pass proofreading

  1. Check each set of correction tools.
  2. Customize everything again without the use of these instruments.
  3. In order to have a new look, try reading the sections in reverse order, or to print a project, rather than reading from the screen.

To shine Format

  1. Check the fonts, margins and spacing.
  2. Check references and bibliography.
  3. Make sure each section in place is: title page, plan, bibliography and appendices.

Enter your paper

  1. Send your document.
  2. Forget it for a while.
  3. Smile.